Un ingeniero paquistaní declaró que podía hacer que un auto funcionara con un motor de agua. Agha Waqar Ahmad [en], el orgulloso inventor del motor, está por estos días en boca de todos los medios tradicionales y sociales; se volvió célebre después de haber participado hace poco en varios programas de entrevistas.
Los paquistaníes están abrumados por la idea de un motor que funciona con agua. Varios funcionarios del gobierno vieron una demostración en vivo del motor y se mostraron muy interesados en él. La gente ya está considerando cambiar sus autos de motor GNC (Gas Natural Comprimido) a uno de agua. Sin embargo, hay muchos escépticos en los medios sociales. Tan pronto la noticia se dio a conocer, las respuestas no se hicieron esperar en Twitter y Facebook e iban de divertidas a mordaces a favorables. Llegó un punto en que la etiqueta #WaterKit (kit de agua) se puso muy de moda en Pakistán.
Ali Abbas Zaidi [en], un conocido activista juvenil, tuiteó:
@Ali_Abbas_Zaidi: no puedo parar de reírme luego de haber visto el show de @HamidMirGEO acerca del #WaterKit. A aquellos que predijeron el fin del mundo en el 2012: sus comentarios son bienvenidos.
@Ali_Abbas_Zaidi: Agha Waqar ha ignorado las reglas de la física con #WaterKit. Uhmm ¿es posible hacer un viaje intergaláctico? ¿También podemos manipular el tiempo y el espacio, por favor?
Nadeem F. Paracha, un renombrado escritor satírico y crítico cultural, respondió a todo el acontecimiento de la siguiente manera:
@NadeemfParacha: ¿Ahora, en vez de petróleo vamos a importar barriles del Pozo de Zamzam? #WaterKit.
Quedó claro que no todos tenían el mismo sentido del humor respecto al asunto:
@Rabaail: Todas la biografías de twitter se deberían cambiar a ‘aspirante a comediante’ pues todos piensan que el #WaterKit es algo muy gracioso.
Uno de los problemas que complica toda esta historia es que hasta el momento ninguno de los prestigiosos físicos paquistaníes ha examinado personalmente el motor. Cafe Pyala [en] lo pone de esta manera:
@cpyala: Entre los “científicos” que respaldan la invención del auto #WaterKit están un biólogo y un maquinista centrífugo. ¡Muy convincente! @HamidMirGEO
Sin embargo, hubo aquellos que querían apoyar la ‘invención’ a pesar que ésta contradice las leyes básicas de la física. Majyd Aziz tuiteó:
El eminente científico nuclear pakistaní, Abdul Qadeer Khan se opuso directamente [en] a las opiniones del reconocido científico pakistaní Atta-ur-Rehman en un programa de entrevistas en Geo TV (Capital Talk) y al mismo tiempo dio todo su apoyo al llamado motor de agua. Amjad Hakro [en] comentó al respecto:@MajydAziz: MENSAJE PARA AGHA WAQAR DE #WaterKit RT @sufisal: “primero te ignoran, después se ríen de ti, luego te atacan, entonces ganas”. –Gandhi
@Amjad_Hakro: Hiper-patriota #DrAbdulQadeerKhan, se ha referido al ‘descubrimiento’ del #WaterKit como si fuera real sin haberlo examinado científicamente. #fail #LOL.
Mientras que los escépticos abundaban y citaban otros ejemplos en donde la gente había hecho comentarios similares, los que apoyaban la idea no eran menos. Talha Zareef tuiteó:
@TalhaZareef: mi mamá me acaba de decir que el #WaterKit es real y que la demostración lo comprueba. Creo que definitivamente estoy convencido.
Shahid Saeed, comentó acerca del apoyo de algunos científicos al motor de agua:
@shahidsaeed: Que descansen en paz la física, el método científico, la racionalidad y la inteligencia humana básica. Bienvenido WaterKit, Agha Waqar, AQ Khan, Samar Mubarikmand.
Es interesante observar que el creador de esta invención, el sr. Waqar, pasó por alto la ley de la conservación de la energía durante uno de los programas de entrevistas. Majorly Profound, un ingenioso paquistaní escribió:
@majorlyprofound[enlace roto]: la termodinámica es una conspiración occidental extendida por los fascistas liberales para mantener a Pakistán en el atraso.
Y que:
@majorlyprofound[enlace roto]: Las leyes de la termodinámica se han juzgado nulas e inconstitucionales, contra nuestra religión y cultura. #WaterKit
Dado que Pakistán atraviesa una crisis energética seria, es comprensible que la gente quiera creer en un ‘milagro’. Pero como dicen, los milagros no existen. Esta farsa, que se ha repetido decenas de veces anteriormente, parece estar ganando adeptos en Pakistán.
1 comentario
We can see many many Hoodboys and Ata Rehmans in past history too, who ridiculed great Inventors. Read Proof below: A MUST READING FOR ALL PEOPLE:
Suppression of new ideas & innovation:
It is not happening just with Agha, but in past also were many Hoodbhoys and Ata-Rehmans who opposed great inventions with full force. Please forward this message to ur colleagues if u liked it. Spread this massage throughout Pakistan in order to expose Hoodbhoys, Ata Rehmans and their pets. Thanks.
Human history is riddled with examples of innovations and research that had been suppressed and derogated by the leading science community and the accepted scientific conventions of the time. Throughout human history, many innovators became the victims of the insults of the skeptical scientific, governmental and corporate power elites.
German Professor George Ohm’s famous Ohm’s Law in initial publication was met with ridicule and dismissal and it was called «a tissue of naked fantasy.» In fact he was so much teased by Hoodbhoys and Ata-Rehmans of those days, that he resigned from professorship. Ten years later, scientists recognized its great importance. [Note: It is taught in Universities & is base of Electricity]
NOW LISTEN ABOUT INVENTION OF AIRPLANE: During 1903 to 1908, Wrights Brother’s claims about their airplane invention were not believed. Most American scientists discredited the Wrights and proclaimed that their mechanism was a hoax. [Note: As is being said now by many Hoodbhoys & many Ata Rehmans about Agha Waqar].
Another idiot Jahil Professor said «Airplanes are interesting toys, but of no military value.» – Said by Marechal Ferdinand Foch, Professor of Strategy, Ecole Superieure de Guerre. [Note: All military powers has War planes i.e our Thunder]
Nobel Laureate Hans Krebs’ discovery of the metabolic cycle that would eventually bear his name was rejected from the journal Nature.
When Nobel Laureate Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar presented his ideas at the Royal Astronomical Society in January 1935, most famous astronomer at that time, Arthur Eddington, ridiculed his ideas. It took decades before the Chandrasekhar Limit was accepted by all astrophysicists and eventually his idea became the foundation for the theory of black holes. Forty years later, Chandrasekhar was awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize in physics.
Galileo’s ideas about the universe were first dismissed as being impossible. The priests and aristocrats feared the worldview that his ideas were beginning to force upon people. Galileo was placed under house arrest.
Nobel prize-winning biochemist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi never got funded for his work on the relevance of quantum physics to living organisms.
When Nobel laureate Hans Alfven came up with the idea of parallel electric fields he was ridiculed for his work. [Note: It is taught in Universities]
When Nobel laureate Svante Arrhenius proposed his idea that electrolytes are full of charged atoms, it was considered a crazy notion. [Note: It is taught in Universities]
“Mr. Bell, after careful consideration of your invention, while it is a very interesting novelty, we have come to the conclusion that it has no commercial possibilities.» — J. P. Morgan’s comments on behalf of the officials and engineers of Western Union after a demonstration of the newly invented telephone.
«This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us.» –Western Union internal memo, 1876. [Note: Now every house/person has telephone]
Luigi Galvani’s experiments were ridiculed because they countered established views. He was called the «frogs’ dance instructor.» His innovative experiments eventually became the basis for the biological study of neurophysiology. [Note: It is taught in Universities]
When Scanning-tunneling microscope was invented in 1982, it was met by hostility and ridicule from the specialists in the microscopy field. In 1986, the inventors won the Nobel Prize.
Stanford Ovshinsky’s invention of glasslike semiconductors was attacked by physicists and ignored for more than a decade [10 years]. Finally he got funding from the Japanese for his work. Consequently, the new science of amorphous semiconductor physics was born. [Note: It is taught in Universities]
When Sherwood Rowland, Mario Molina and Paul Crutzen first warned that chemicals called cholorofluorocarbons or CFCs, were destroying the ozone layer they were ridiculed for their work. In 1995, Rowland, Molina and Crutzen, won a Nobel Prize for this discovery.
When Warren and his team introduced a new facet to MRI theory, his colleagues at Princeton University told him that his insane ideas were endangering his career. They held a mean-spirited bogus presentation mocking his work. After seven years, Warren was vindicated. His discoveries are leading to the development of new MRI techniques. [Note: Now many benefit from this great invention]
The inventors of the turbine ship engine, the electric ships telegraph, and the steel ship hull were initially met with disbelief and derision for their work.
When Thomas Edison became successful with a light bulb filament he invited members of the scientific community to observe his demonstration. Although many from the general public went to witness the lamp, the noted scientists refused to attend. Sir William Siemens, England’s most distinguished engineer said «Such startling announcements as these should be deprecated as being unworthy of science and mischievous to its true progress.» Professor Du Moncel said «The Sorcerer of Menlo Park appears not to be acquainted with the subtleties of the electrical sciences. Mr. Edison takes us backwards.»
«Louis Pasteur’s theory of germs is ridiculous fiction.» – Said by Pierre Pachet, Professor of Physiology, 1872.